Top 5 Design Patterns for Efficient App Development

🤖Design Patterns for Easy Maintenance, Flexibility, and Reusability in Apps

In Android, Sep 23, 2023

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Top 5 Design Patterns for Efficient App Development

🤖Design Patterns for Easy Maintenance, Flexibility, and Reusability in Apps

In Android, Sep 23, 2023

diffUtil이 뭐임?

🤖DiffUtil 관련 개념(AsyncListDiffer, ListAdapter)

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StateFlow & SharedFlow

🤖개념 1️⃣1️⃣ StateFlow & SharedFlow

In Android, Coroutine, Dec 29, 2021

Flow in Android

🤖개념 🔟 Flow in Android

In Android, Coroutine, Dec 28, 2021


🤖개념 9️⃣ Coroutines Flow

In Android, Coroutine, Dec 27, 2021

Shared mutable state & concurreny

🤖개념 8️⃣ Shared mutable state and concurreny코루틴은 Dispatchers.Default와 같은 멀티스레드 Dispatcher를 사용하여 병렬로 수행된다. 이러한 코루틴에서 병렬로 무언가를 수행할 때 주의해야할 문제가 있는데, 바로 shared mutable state에 접근할 때의 synchr...

In Android, Coroutine, Dec 27, 2021

Cold Observable vs Hot Observable

🤖개념 6️⃣ Cold Observable vs Hot Observable

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Coroutine Scope 이해하기

🤖개념 5️⃣ Coroutine Scope

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Jetpack Compose 이해하기(3)

🤖개념 4️⃣-3️⃣ Jetpack Compose basics

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Jetpack Compose 이해하기(2)

🤖개념 4️⃣-2️⃣ Thinking in Compose

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